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What are broadband consumer labels?

Broadband Consumer Labels are informational labels that provide a consumer with a succinct, standardized view of the pricing and terms associated with internet services. These labels were created by an order of the FCC to provide consumers with a means of comparison shopping service offerings. These labels are styled after the nutrition labels found on consumer food products, and help consumers make informed decisions when subscribing to internet services.

What is the deadline for having broadband consumer labels on my site?

Service providers with 100,001 subscriber lines or more must display these labels no later than April 10th, 2024. Service providers with 100,000 or fewer subscriber lines must display these labels no later than October 10th, 2024.

Where do I have to display the labels?

These labels must be displayed at the point of sale, both online and in-store.

Why should I use when there are free label generators available?

While there are other label generation tools available that will allow you to input your service information and get back the code needed to display the label, our site meets two major needs those tools don’t by giving your labels a permanent home: First, instead of spitting out the raw code needed to display the label, we give you an embeddable widget that can be placed in as many places as you’d like. If you later need to change something on the label, you can simply edit your label here instead of needing to go into the markup of all the pages where your label is displayed. Your changes will take effect everywhere that widget has been embedded. Second, the FCC requires that service providers must be able to produce within 30 days any label for a service they have sold in the last two years. Our site stores the revision history of every label you make, so you can quickly and easily access past versions of a label if needed. This history is available to you for any label that is active or archived.

What’s the difference between an active and archived label?

The difference between an active and archived label is that you have the ability to embed active labels on other pages via the provided widget. Since the FCC requires that service providers must be able to produce any label for a service they have sold in the last two years, archiving a label gives you the option of continuing to store that label and access its revision history at a discounted price. You can move a label between active and archived states at any time. Each active label costs $5/month, while each archived label costs $3/month.